New Plant Pricing for 2025.
Does it seem like plants get more expensive every time you turnaround?
We want to stretch your gardening dollars in 2025 by rolling most of our
annual, perennial, and bedding plant prices back to 2019.
4" Pansies and Violas - $1.99
4" assorted annuals, herbs, and vegetables - $2.99 - $4.99
4" assorted groundcovers and perennials - $3.99 - $4.99
4-pack bedding plants - $2.99
e-Club members receive an additional 10% discount.
Landscaping "101" Clinic

Need some help with basic landscaping ideas?
We have them!
Saturday - January 18, 2025 - 11:00 AM
Terri will discuss basic layouts, do's and don’ts, advice, and
other ideas to get your project "growing" in the right direction.
Find out just how easy and fun landscaping can be.
Clinic is free and RSVP is not required to attend.
Plant Plugs For Sale Online

We are ready to launch our next round of exclusive online plants.
Did you ever want to try your hand at growing plants from plugs?
Now is your chance.
Click the link below to purchase
foliage, nursery stock, annual, and perennial plugs.
Simply add soil and pot them up.
Remember to check back as new plants will be added often.
In-store pick up and shipping is available.
Online Order Link
(online plant plugs do not qualify for e-Club or other sale discounts)