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Teak Products

From Orange Groves to Teak Orchards…
another example of
A World of Flowers, Plants, and a Whole lot more.

It all started with a search for a better tasting orange for our produce market in Maltby. Fifteen years ago, on vacation in Belize, we bought a couple hundred acres, thinking we could grow oranges, and decided to plant Citrus trees. Shortly after planting the citrus trees, an outbreak of citrus greening disease broke out in Belize and decimated all 200 acres of citrus being grown. Not to be discouraged, we tried again. This time with citrus varieties that were supposed to be more disease resistant. To help control the insects responsible for the spread of greening disease, we decided to plant teak trees among the citrus trees. Unfortunatley, this second crop of citrus also failed, but the teak trees flourished.

Fast forward 15 years and it is time thin some of the teak groves. This allows the rest of the trees to grow tall, straight, and thick. Our young teak is classified as Plantation Grown Teak and is the perfect substitution to the harmful harvesting of old-growth teak in protected areas.

What can we do with the harvested teak timber?

We did not stop with teak trees!

Today, FreshWater Creek Farm, and its 1,000 acres, has grown to include the Maya Heights Village Resort and Restaurant which uses our farm grown vegetables, farm raised meat, and tilapia to take “Farm-To-Table” to a whole new level!

If you want more details, check out our website: www.mayaheights.com.

CLICK for information about Teak Lumber


We have a wide variety of Teak Products, please contact or visit us today!





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